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In the National Polytechnic Museum (NPTM)


1. The museum exhibition is open for visits from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm. The sale of tickets closes at 16.30.

2. The entrance tickets are sold by the cashier of the NPTM according to Tariff, approved by the Director.

3. Booklets of the "100 National Tourist Sites" are stamped only after the purchase of an entrance ticket.

4. Members of ICОM and visitors entitled to a free visit are required to provide a relevant document for this.

5. Entrance to the NPTM is free every last Monday of the month.

6. Guided tours (for individual visitors or organized groups up to 30 people) include paid access to the territory of the NPTM and a talk (presented by a guide - museum staff). Visitors or groups without pre-order are attended if possible.

7. The exposure can be photographed with smartphones and amateur cameras without the use of flash. All other forms of recording are governed by Tariff  and Contract.

8. Visitors with inappropriate behavior, inappropriate clothing, drunkenness, and / or use of narcotic substances as well as carrying weapons shall not be admitted in the museum.

9. In the exhibition of the NPTM shall not be permitted:

• to touch the exponats marked with the signs;

• to get in the cars;

• to pass behind the enclosures;

• to run;

• to import food and beverages;

• to leave children under 10 years of age without supervision

10. Use of mobile devices is allowed in silent mode.

11. Every visitor mandatory has to leave his / her bags (without personal bags) before entering the exhibition at the designated place.

12. Where necessary, guards have the right to check the personal luggage of the visitors. Upon refusal, the persons will not be allowed into the territory of the NPTM.

13. Visitors are required to keep the exposure and property. In case of damage, the guilty persons are liable for the property and are obliged to cover in full the costs of repairing and / or replacement for the NPTM. In the event that a dispute arises, the parties undertake to make reasonable efforts to resolve it. In case of inability to reach agreement, the dispute shall be referred to the competent institutions.

14. In imperative cases: breakdowns, technical problems or other objective reasons - NPTM  has the right to temporarily close down certain rooms / parts of the exposure without prior notice.

15. For advertising and public awareness purposes, NPTM photograph and record activities and / or events with visitors. A declared disagreement is made at the museum's cash register.


Visitors who do not comply with the above rules will be invited to leave the exhibit. In this case, the NPTM does not owe any reimbursement of the price paid for the service or other benefits.


The National Polytechnic Museum is a secured site within the meaning of the law. For the security of the site, technical means of video surveillance are used.

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 Address: Sofia, 66 Opalchenska street 

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